Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

July 17, 2008

More E3 Blarg

Forgot to mention that Final Fantasy XIII is being released on the XBox360 as well as the PS3. This was Square Enix's way of effectively killing any franchise-exclusive potential the PS3 ever had going for it. Namco-Bandai might release Tekken 6 exclusively to the platform, but that's really a drop in the bucket compared to what FFXIII guarantees number-wise. Hilariously, the XBox's core demographic (re: FPS, zero-depth, frat boys) would appreciate a regular fighting game more than the PS3's core demographic (re: nerdy otakus). Apparently the XBox is becoming the new PS2, really. As you can well imagine YouTube is being barraged by angry PS3 fanboys bitching about Square-Enix's fateful backstabbing. How dare they acknowledge the Xbox's sales figures and try and earn their international money back that way!? MADNESS, I TELL YOU!

Seriously though, the Xbox360 and their core demographic is changing. While it used to be just for Halotards, it has come a long way in terms of game releases for changing the demographic. The best games are now found on the console (unless you're a die-hard Nintendo latchkey kid and can't concieve of a universe outside of Hyrule or Mario's).

While the PS3 had been selling itself on future potential, it seems that the future is always at a distance for the platform. It never comes. They do have one feather in their cap, however, before I proclaim the almost-certain death of this platform. They have joined with FUNimation and Bones to release streaming video of completed anime instead of that retarded disc-by-disc nonsense we get in actual media stores. Imagine entire seasons at once downloaded directly to your television set. It's incredibly tempting, I give them that. And they're marketing it at the right people as those who own PS3s probably have a sizable anime collection as well.

The Xbox360 is still better, though. ^_^

Forgot to mention as well that Fallout3 has a choice between genders! You can play as a male or female in this dystopic future, blowing up psuedo-zombies and other mutated beings. Let's give a gigantic cheer for kickass female leads!

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