Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

February 21, 2009

Games I Wish I'd Played Part 2

Hah! You thought I'd never get around to a part 2, didn't you? Yeah, me neither.

  • Shadow of the Colossus~I wish I got to play this one myself. Instead, I watched as my friend Seth went through and tried to help him solve the puzzles. Then we GameFAQsed it to find where all the upgrades were lurking. This is a beautiful game (for last gen) and truly original. Even if Argo the horse got on our nerves all the friggin' time because of the difficult controls...
  • Ico~ SotC's predecessor. Never seen it, want to play it. Got to see the opening cinematic and I read about it on Wikipedia. I borrowed this and SotC from Larry and then my PS2 bottomed out when I popped it in. *sigh* Still trying to fix it.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess~I don't own a Wii (or Gamecube, for that matter). Also, the last Zelda game I played was The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening which doesn't even feature the series' titular character. I watched Seth play a lot of this one, and even got to play sections of it myself. I just wish I got to play the whole thing. It was a lot of fun. Even if Link and Zelda will never, ever, ever, in a million years, ever kiss. Damn cock-blocking Nintendo...A kiss is still family-friendly! How blue are Link's balls by now? Seriously, man's made of iron or something...Or gay.
  • Theif~Yahtzee made it sound really fun. And stealth games can be neat.

That's about it for now. Gotta get to bed. Maybe part 3 will come in another few months.


Eli said...

They still sell Thief on Amazon for cheep cheep. I got the first two for $16 with shipping after watching the Yatzee video.

I also started playing Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines agian. It's /so good/ and you should put it on your list.

Jill said...

I would need a computer with a video card to play it. The laptop I kidnapped from my Dad got rescued a while back. But it'll be worth looking into at some later date...right?