Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

April 24, 2009

Wow, long time no post. Sorry. RE5 and a few other tidbits.

So, sorry I've neglected this (and many other things) lately. It's just been hell in my real life, so I've not posted much...anywhere.

So, Resident Evil 5. Everyone else has already commented on it, so my two cents will make a nice clinking noise in the fountain of commentary.

I liked RE5. A lot, really. Sure, it's goofy and doesn't really offer much new in the way of gameplay since number four, but by God are the in-game graphics pretty. In game cutscenes used the gameplay engine! And just the amount of detail and textures...mmmmmmm, it was nice. Targeting system was good, enemies were Capcom enemies (annoying and cheap) with good A.I., inventory is ridiculous, puzzles are retarded, ancient African lazer beams!?, and of course, your companion Sheva.

I had no problem with Sheva. Of course, Tony read on-line to not give her the pistol to work with, so that cut down on a lot of the A.I. idiocy that others experienced. She hardly made stupid mistakes after that and was fun eye candy. I also like the voice acting she had. Other than that though she didn't really stand out much as a character. She was just kinda there. *shrug* I have a theory that people didn't like because you didn't have to protect her like you did with Ashley, and therefore felt somewhat emasculated when she didn't rely on you for help 24/7. Men like feeling big and powerful and needing to help the widdle girlys from the big bad men. Or something.

*SPOILER ALERT* I hated that they made Jill blonde. I mean, really? Long hair, sure. Blonde? Blonde!? Love the chemistry between her and Chris, though. Nothing comes from it, of course, but I still love it. And Chris was sexy, though in that dumb jock way. Still, he had a good voice actor which I enjoyed.

Overall I thought Resident Evil 5 was great and worth the wait. Now the series no longer makes any damn sense, though. And they're re-vamping it. Or something. *shrug* Whatever. The only thing missing was more Leon. He's a hottie. ^_^

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