Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

March 31, 2013

My Weird Film Choices

So, lately I have a mini-obsession with Disney's John Carter.  I really wanted to see it in theaters when it came out but I had a Dickens of a time convincing anyone to go with me, and as the only free time I have is on the weekends, my time wasn't really my own.  So I missed it, and now I've caught it on TV every now and then.

I freaking love it.  I'm probably the only one, but something about this film is really magical and fun to me.  I love the actress who plays Dejah Thoris (Lynn Carter), there's something incredibly regal and wonderful about her.  I love hearing her speak, and she makes every outfit she's in just so....regal.  I know I said that already, but I can't think of another word that describers her so accurately.  She made Taylor Kitsch likeable and sexy.  They had great chemistry, which you almost never see in films anymore, especially ones centered on romance.  I loved the animation for the Tharks, the sets were gorgeous, the characters were engaging, and Mark Storm is awesome and evil (I hate that he's typecast but he is SO GOOD at being quietly menacing) and it feels like an adventure every time I tune in.  That's what a good movie should be.

Tony and I tried watching Snow White and the Huntsman on television last night.  To be fair, we started from the middle/towards the last act, so we were somewhat lost.  Then we decided to try and catch the beginning anyway on a different channel.  Yeah, none of that made it any better.  It has terrible pacing and the story is ridiculous.  The funny thing is it appeared to have things I would normally be all over: fairy tale with grim story and macabre overtones, Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth, actual magic, strong female protagonist.  Two dudes fighting over said protagonist.  Nope...all of it was awful, especially Kristen Stewart's constipated "I'm SAD" face which is in EVERY SCENE.  Even Academy Award winning actress Charlize couldn't save this, and she was totally acting in a better movie the whole time.  There was one thing I liked about it: the costumes were great.  Colleen Atwood strikes again.  But where John Carter feels like a complete world inhabited by realistic people/characters...this felt empty and incredibly flat.  None of the characters were compelling, and no one had any real motives to do anything.  It was very...meh.

I'm dying to see OzI love Mila Kunis like no one's business, and she's a witch in this.  Anyone let me know if it's worth seeing in theaters...I'd appreciate it.

Until next time.


Alii Silverwing said...

I shall have to watch John Carter. IIRC, Gen loved it. I didn't get to see it. T_T I'll have to put it on my list.

I did get to go see Snow White, tho, and... okay. So. Josh worked on it, right? He did the butterfly explode-y bits in the weird enchanted forest section. So, I mean, it's a super pretty movie and I'm fond of it because I can flail at that and say, "JOSH IS IN THE CREDITS OMG OMG."

But. Fuck.

The movie is TERRIBLE.

The script is terrible, the dialogue is worse, the whole thing has this Huntsman's Manpain stapled to a story about conflict between Sorcery and Nature. I swear... I could probably fill this box three or four times over with how utterly FUCKED UP they did the story when it could have been so awesome. Also, Kstew is adorable and I love her but hell if she has any facial expressions when she's 'acting'? Like, I think she's hilarious in interviews and stuff but she's just terrible in front of a camera. I don't know who to blame.

Oz, tho, hrm... great deal of feelings about Oz. But it's /super pretty/ apparently? It's another 'how do we add dudes to a world entirely inhabited by ladies' story, so, um, take that how you will.

Right. Brains.

The movie I laughed myself silly during (much to Josh's dismay, he thought it was TERRIBLE. I made him take me for Valentines Day and he fell asleep (when he wasn't poking me because he _didn't know why I was laughing_)) was Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters. It was hilarious and brilliant and ridiculous. Also terrible, but terrible in a /delightful/ way.

Eli said...

I haven't seen OZ, but I heard from the MovieBob review that Mila is very good in it. I'll want to see it eventually.

Rob said...

As one of the two people who actually saw John Carter in the theater, I must say that I really liked it as well. It takes FOREVER to get going though! There's like two or three prologues so it takes at least three hours before he even gets to Mars. Seriously, the movie should start with him waking up in the Martian desert. BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE THE STORY STARTS! It's all gravy from there though.

More interesting than the movie, though, is the story of how they bungled the marketing for it. Truly legendary:

Jill said...

Yeah, I remember that. Also there was tons of diagnostics on how they handled it so poorly. I actually like some of the beginning, what with him escape attempts and all. It was really funny and well done, IMO.

Rob said...

Yeah there's good stuff in there--who doesn't want more Bryan Cranston in their lives??--but all it does it bore the audience. Plus, when your hero already has super jumping-through-windows abilities on Earth, it's less special when he can defy gravity on Mars.