Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

March 28, 2013


Wow...a lot has obviously happened since I last updated this thing.  I am so sorry.  I moved, didn't have Internet for three months, and then like twelve different things started eating up my time.  And then I forgot this blog existed.  Sorry.

So, in personal news:
  • I'm an aunt now!  My sister-in-law gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Jeffrey.  He is four months old and looks like a good mash-up between his parents.  It's still weird to think my brother sired a child, but there's undeniable proof now.  It's weirder that he's so adorable and yet still directly related to Matt.  I got him Winnie the Pooh for companionship.  You know, when he can grab him.  I'm thinking over the years I'll probably be foisting many a Disney character on him....
  • I'm engaged!  Tony and I have been together for 11 or 12 years now (depending on when you start counting) so this should not be a surprise to anyone who knows us.  But it is still exciting and gratifying.  No wedding plans as of yet, but we will be moving in together soon enough for me to forget about this blog again.  Also I can't stop looking at wedding dresses.  Because they are sparkly.
  • I became an official Nerdfighter!  Also I finally discovered the brothers Hank and John Green.  Because I'm officially late to EVERY bandwagon.
  • My gallbladder tried to escape my body and succeeded!  Literally 5 days after getting my engagement ring I ended up in the hospital with some debilitating abdominal pain.  I had six stones in my gallbladder, one stuck in the freaking valve.  I opted to get it removed, which was good because as the surgeon was trying to remove it, it was actively trying to explode.  Surgery took one hour instead of half an hour because the gallbladder was, in medical terms, "tense and throbbing".  After reading the pathology report it basically boiled down to: "This looks like an effed up gallbladder that was removed from a human body.  There are a ton of stones in it, including one stuck in the valve that was nearly 3cms.  It's really gross."  This was around the new year (surgery was the day before New Year's Eve).  Yay 2013!  Still a better ending than Twilight.  ;)
I have eagerly been reading The Infernal Devices series by the fantastic Cassandra Clare.  Long story short, my nook recommended them to me and I thought: "I've heard of Cassandra Clare before..."  It turns out that it's a penname and I remember the author because she wrote a rather famous and acclaimed Harry Potter fanfiction called The Draco Trilogy.  I remember seeing it on  Yes, I was an Auror.  No, I'm not ashamed.  Yes, I hated the canonical ending of the series, why do you ask?  Anyway, the trilogy is a prequel to the City of Ashes series which I haven't read but totally spoiled for myself on Wikipedia.  It's Steampunk Fantasy, which is a genre I've been enjoying way too much of recently.  I'm also on the last Gail Carriger book of her Soulless series.  It's awesome, please read.

I will honestly try to update more frequently in the future.  My apologies for the long gaps.


Alii Silverwing said...


Congrats on being an aunt! And being engaged! (I think we saw that coming, tho)

Also, holy crap, I'm glad you and your gallbladder have parted ways. That sounds absolutely terrible.

*grins* It sounds like you've been doing a bunch of brilliant reading-type-things. I'm behind on the Carriger novels. T_T Still! SUPER EXCITING!

Somanyhearts. I hope you continue to do brilliant things.

(Augh, I can't prove I'm not a robot. QQ Why are captchas so hard. T_T)

Jill said...

Oh my God! Somanyhearts right back to you! I tried e-mailing you two months ago, but I think I had the wrong address. My previous phone died (my phones and I have terrible history, I swear) and I lost your number with Gen's. So I tried e-mailing you guys and...yeah. I suck. I miss you SO MUCH. Also wanted to pick apart your brilliant brain. Also it's been too many years since we saw each other. Tony and I are trying to save up some money to come out to Colorado...

I actually took a huge break from the Carriger ones and came back while waiting for Clockwork Princess to come out and blew through them in three weeks. Except the last one I'm half way through now and can't seem to finish it. It's excellent, just can't seem to bring myself to do it.

I seriously recommend The Infernal Devices, though. Brilliant, funny, sweet, and just awesome. Really great characters.

Alii Silverwing said...

I'm going to leave a comment on all of your posts. FAIR WARNING.

*SQUEEZES* I've been wondering what happened to you and since I suck at the whole communication thing I rather think I thought it was a lost cause. Thank goodness for RSS feeds and me keeping your blog hooked into mine, yah? :3

I'm at... instanteternity at the gmails dot coms if that helps? Then we can at least swap numbers or sommat. Yes, excellent. Colorado is beautiful this time of always and it would be awesome to see you! :D

I don't know if I've read Clockwork Princess. Hrm. *taps chin thoughtfully*

Infernal Devices is... oh, yes, Cassie Clare. XD I have so many mixed feelings about her that I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy any of her books. I'm intrigued, though? Isn't there a movie or something coming out with her stuff soon?

ANYWHO, DFTBA and all that. *tips hat*

Rob said...

I didn't know your gallbladder was pulsating like it was ready to burst!!!! You need to tell me all the disgusting details. Also how have you been since then?

Jill said...

I've been really good since then. You saw me right after and I was doing well, now I'm back to the norm. It's been weird finding out what I can and can't eat, though. I miss pizza. And red meat. But I'm really just happy to be alive, so there's that.

One of the choices in the hospital was to take antibiotics and go home and not have surgery. If I had done that I would be dead, apparently. Dad told me after I got wheeled back from recovery about the gallbladder about to burst thing. That's actually all I know. Oh, that and it was the wrong color when it came out. It's supposed to be green but came out with more brown. O.o Again, just happy to be here. Sorry about the yelling last night...