Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

March 31, 2013

Star Wars the Old Republic

Yeah, this post is just going to be me ranting/gushing about stuff as I should actually be trying to sleep right now.  You've been warned.

I used to have a vow that I would never play an MMORPG if I could help it.  I could no longer help it.  I have six characters on SWtOR, and I regret nothing.  I finally finished the Jedi Knight story and my second highest toon is currently my light-sided Chiss Bounty Hunter (lvl 41) and I'm stuck on Belsavis...again.  I hate Belsavis.  I also haven't played in about a week, though the longest stretch I've gone is about two months, when my JK Atrys (also light-sided...I play everyone light-sided, I just can't be evil!) was stuck on Belsavis.  Seriously, I hate Belsavis.  Take two steps and fifty billion beings kill you because every area is overloaded with effing droids.  Also the map is confusing and for some reason the game kept leading me to the opposite faction bases and murdering me because of it.

I never thought I'd enjoy the experience, but I got sick of hoping for KOTOR III.  All the videos I saw of the Smuggler and Jedi Knight quest lines made me subscribe...and here I am, about nine months later still playing.  My favorite race is still the Chiss (Chiss rule!) with their beautiful blue skin and softly glowing red eyes.  I don't know why, I just love them.  They're freaking awesome.  I love my tiny BH with her Grey DeLisle voice and her big attitude and her jetpack attacks....even if I have to work for the Empire, who I really, really hate.  Though I do have fun with my Sith Warrior (which is really interesting if you're light-sided) making all the annoying NPCs kowtow to me.

Some of the romance is a bit lopsided, though.  Like the Jedi Consular female....everything about her is so...boring.  Her romance lacks any heat whatsoever.  I'm also stuck on Quesh with her story mission because all the enemies are two levels higher and FREAKING SITH LORDS.  I should get back to that grind at some point, but I'm not motivated at all.

I need to respec my Smuggler...'cause she's prone to death.  Rich as hell, though.  I love Corso, and the romance is freaking adorable.  Favorite romances so far: Smuggler & Corso, BH & Torian, SW & Malavai.  Malavai has such a stick up his ass, it's great. 

I want to start an agent just based on the romance and the story, but I still hate helping the Empire.  I need to finish a few more toons before starting a new one, but I suck at that.  I started the Sith Inquisitor 16 times before actually getting off Korriban.  Now she's on Balmorra and I'm still thinking of quitting and restarting it again....this game has taken over parts of my life.  It's very addictive.

Going to bed now....


Alii Silverwing said...

:D SWTOR! I haven't played that for months! Where ARE you (there are servers right? Servers. o_O)? I have a BH who is still kind of bitty and a Jedi that I have been neglecting. Months. I kept not having anyone to play with. T_T

*grins* MMORPGs... there had to be one that would catch you.

Jill said...

Oh my God...I have to just write you a massive e-mail...I'm at work so I will keep this short.

I'm on Harbinger and I will start or restart any character if you want to do stuff together, it would be totally worth it.

Congrats to Josh! Also are you married yet!? Also I will be writing you a ridiculously long e-mail, please look forward to it. XD

Eli said...

The agent actually is pretty cool. I very much enjoyed the playstyle and story missions. SCORPIO makes me all kinds of happy. I haven't played in about a year, so I don't remember much else. My main was a bounty hunter and I really fell in love with him. His companions are the best, too. The world needs more Jawas with a rocket launcher.

I stopped playing when I started working full time. It's a shame it didn't take off like it should have.

It's great to see you posting again :).

Jill said...

Eli! How're you!? I <3 BH. I want to start an agent...but I already have six toons open. I need to finish at least two more before opening another. Also I still hate working for the Empire.

Eli said...

At least when playing light side you just do things for the money and nobody gets hurt more than necessary. I hate playing evil characters and my BH/Agent didn't make me uncomfortable.

I ended up seeing OZ last weekend. It was okay. Some very pretty and awesome bits, but there was a lot of downtime. Kunis is definitely the star of it. I'd say go if you're interested, but it'll be fine to wait for Netflix. We saw 2D, so I don't know how well the 3D is done.

I'm doing alright. My job will be ending in a couple-few months, so I'm starting the job hunt. I started school to get a degree in IT and I'm hoping to find something entry level in the field.

Jill said...

I always play LS, I have an issue being DS. I still just hate helping the Imps, even if no one is getting hurt.

Good for you for the IT degree! I kinda want to do something similar but I'm out of monies. However, being able to network stuff and fix small issues has made me defacto-IT at my job and I'm in the works of parlaying that into a real IT job for electronic medical records, so that's something...