Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

June 16, 2008

First Post!

My name is Jill, and this idea came to me as I was trying to start a blog for my Dad's bariatric practice. I own a PS2, but I bought my boyfriend an XBox 360 with the idea that I would play it as well. Our friends have a Wii, and I'm trying to convince somebody else to buy a PS3 so I won't have to, and then that way we'll have our nextgen bases covered. I'm turining 23 in August, and trying to start a real adult life with middling success.

Ever know what it's like to be the minority of even your own social group? I'm a self-proclaimed nerd/geek/dork/what-have-you, interested in comics/manga, videogames, and animation (Japanese animation as well as American). One thing that makes me different from the majority is that I'm female. Though I have nothing but major amounts of love for comics, videogames and anime, it seems like they do nothing but pander to the stereotypical geek male. Even in fantastic games like Bioware's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic where you can choose the sex of your player character, the female storyline is still the weaker of the two. And while, yes, the title of the blog says I'm the only woman, nothing could be farther from the truth. But that's what it feels like most days.

I'm not going to start preaching about the "manocentric ideals" or whatever. I enjoy staring at big breasted characters in games, comics, and anime. Honestly, most of these things don't hold my interest without at least one curvy beauty thrown in the mix. I'm not gay, I just enjoy seeing beautiful women. And having one in there normally leads some sort of romantic tension, which I'm always a sucker for, so really...but it would be nice to see lead characters being kick ass females. Females comfortable enough with their sexuality so that any remarks can be met with teasing or flirting, and then back to the ass kicking where appropriate.

Anyway, semi-rambling rants aside, I'm going to update latest obssessions:

1. Grand Theft Auto IV. I've never been a big fan of the series, but this one is too much fun to put down. The physics engine makes sandboxing around waaaaay too much fun. My favorite is jumping out from a helicopter onto building ledges, sniping targets, and then falling to my doom. Watching Niko uselessly shield himself from a 300 ft. drop is sadistically hysterical.

2. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. This is an older obssession, but I still love everything I can find on it. Season two is currently being animated and I'm still stupidly trying to hold my breath waiting for it to come out. This series is brilliant on too many levels, and Aya Hirano's voice acting deserves some kind of Oscar equivalent. The animation is goregeous, from one of my favorite aspiring studios Kyoto Animation.

3. Darker Than Black. A rather riveting tale about human nature complete with dystopian future and explosions. It honestly doesn't get any better. Beautifully animated by Bones the simplistic character designs are brought to life as we explore the life of BK201 and all the questions he poses on the nature of the beast.

4. Soul Calibur 4. I'm still obsessively playing through #3 to get all the character creation parts. I seriously can't wait for #4 and the beautiful graphics.

5. Too Human. From the people who brought us Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem with a new twist on Viking mythology. Futuristic Viking mythos and sexy Crispin Freeman voicing Baldur (main character player) in an intensive western RPG--where the hell do I sign up!? Seriously, major props to Silicone Knights for hiring Crispin. He's one of my favorite actors of all time. The man has an extensive knowledge on many European mythologies. He fits this project like a glove. Also, pretty pretty graphics!

That's it for now because I have to go back to work. More later. ^_^

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