Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

July 29, 2008

Darth Ariel

Felt like posting this image. Darth Belle is already on the top there.

Soul Calibur IV

Soul Calibur IV comes out today! Very much looking forward to this. ^_^ I've been watching character creation videos as well as battle ones and it looks amazing. Heard no bad reviews yet, so this should be enough to fill the gap between now and when Too Human comes out...

July 28, 2008

Ouran High School Host Club Update (...Finally)

The dub cast has been announced for Ouran High School Host Club and apparently hard at work. The only actors that are really noteworthy are Caitlin Glass as Fujioka Haruhi (she dubbed for Winry in Fullmetal Alchemist), Vic Mignogna as Suoh Tamaki (he dubbed Edward Elric in FMA among other notable roles) and Greg Ayers as one of the Hitachiin twins (Kaoru) (Greg dubbed Sousuke in Fullmetal Panic! and other noteworthy roles).

A RELEASE DATE HAS FINALLY BEEN ANNOUNCED! October 26th will see the release of a season one boxset (episodes 1-13) including a dub (duh), episode commentary, and outtakes. I'm so excited I might cry! It's finally coming stateside! I don't care about the dub, really, though I am looking forward to outtakes (nothing compares to the Berserk ones though...yet). OHSHC should take the Victorian Romance Emma approach and just nix the dub and extras. VRE season one is out on boxset now.

^_^ Happy day! Funimation finally made their move!

July 24, 2008

Animated Update

Have finished watching the first season and all OVAs of Genshiken. It's awesome, a pure love letter to fans like myself (and my boyfriend...and friends). I adore this anime, and am trying to get enough bandwidth to download the second season. Madarame and Ohno are my favorites of the group so far.

Definitely check this out if you qualify yourself as an otaku in any way, shape or form. ^_^

July 22, 2008

Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Iron Man and Batman #4

This was too hilarious to pass up posting here...Check out the rest of ItsJustSomeRandomGuy's videos because they are GOLD.

The Dark Knight

So, unless you've been living under a rock on Mars with your eyes screwed shut and your fingers jammed into your ears going "la la la la I can't heeeaaaarrr yoooouuuu" at the top of your lungs, you've heard about Nolan's The Dark Knight and just how mind-numbingly awesome it truly is. Chances are you've seen it at least once by now as well. None of you really need me to tell you how good it was.

I'm doing it for my own piece of mind, really. Spoilers languish yonder. Ye be warned.

The Dark Knight cannot be summed up in one word or a sentence. It's just too much for that. It really is. But if I had to, the word would be transcendent. Because that's what the entire experience and film itself is. It transcends mere boundaries of genré or cliché and becomes a being of perfection. I'm honestly not exaggerating. It shatters the idea of a "super hero movie" or an "action flick" or even "summer blockbuster". It goes beyond expectation and is truly a film. It has what so many other "films" these days are lacking: character-driven story-telling at its finest.

When I first heard the Oscar buzz generating around the film I took it as the Academy trying to cash in on Heath Ledger's tragically abrupt end. To sit in the theater and see that the buzz is not only earned, but quite frankly obvious is another story all together. To really demonstrate this, I'll have to move to the acting...

The truest standby that I have discovered for myself is that if you don't care about the characters everything else will fail. It doesn't matter how cool the plot is, how amazing a chase sequence becomes, or how well the director made the film. The characters on screen are absolutely key and no one seems to understand this better than Christopher Nolan. Watch any of his other films (Memento, The Prestige) and tell me that he doesn't follow this concept. I dare you. (Great storytelling comes with this concept, something Nolan also has in spades.) Nolan has a penchant for picking great character actors, something that we don't have nearly enough of in the crap Hollywood churns out these days.

Christian Bale is a character actor. Don't believe me? Seriously? He's Welsh for starters, and beyond the ability to bury his accent he's able to do Batman's hefty growl perfectly. There's more to becoming Batman than mastering the Caped Crusader's growl, but it's a damn good start and nothing that the previous film incarnations ever used. Bruce Wayne shouldn't sound like Batman and vice versa. Bruce is the mask while Batman is who he really is. And Batman walks a very fine line as to how batshit insane he is. The only thing Batman will not do is kill. That's it. Everything else is up for grabs. Christian plays this to a tee by refusing to back down in any situation and becoming a force to be reckoned with. Mr. Bale has done this before in one of my favorite films American Psycho as Patrick Bateman. (Bateman? Batman? I realize Bateman is a reference to Norman Bates, but still, think about it...) Batman in this film truly becomes the Dark Knight as he unflinchingly tosses gangsters off of ledges, through buildings into airplanes, and takes down an eighteen wheeler truck on his lonesome all in the name of dirty justice.

Bruce takes a backseat to newcomer (and Batman victim #167) Harvey Dent, also lovingly known as Two Face. Harvey is admirably brought to life by one of my favorite actors Aaron Eckhart (Thank You For Smoking). Aaron instills in our favorite DA the desperation to turn Gotham towards the light in a legitimate and legal way. He also makes him a bit intimidating as he cold cocks a known gangster in open court. My favorite scene of his is when he's about to become Two Face, lying in the oil and trying to reassure Rachel that everything will be all right even though he knows it won't be. I was in tears. Aaron skillfully played the range of emotions that Harvey as both Harvey and Two Face go through, which is the complete gambit. Idealistic, cold, frustrated, in love, you name Aaron did it perfectly. I was almost convinced that he loved Maggie Gyllenhaal. The Two Face effect was great--real burn victim and too realistic, actually. Loved it. Hurt to look at his face, it really did.

The Joker. Wow. What can I say that hasn't already been said about Heath Ledger's performance? In a word: brilliant. The showmanship, the casual insanity, the freedom he was electric. This movie demonstrated why it is that the Joker will always be Batman's arch-rival--they feed off of each other. It was perfect. My favorite moment (one of them, there really are too many) was when the Joker leaves his card. Heath nailed the character in that instant. Charming, serious, insane, light-hearted...definitely deserves an Oscar. It's so sad he'll never be able to reprise this role. Truly tragic that Heath is dead.

I have to get back to work. More review/rant later. Like how many Chicago landmarks they crammed in there. It was fantastic.


July 18, 2008

Dark Knight...

Hopefully going to go see The Dark Knight tonight. If not tonight than definitely tomorrow. I'm almost bouncing out of my seat with excitement. I had to re-watch Batman Begins this week to remind myself of how earth-shattering this event really is. BB is a cinematic gem, and from all accounts the second one is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Toasted sliced bread? Who honestly tried to put Mamma Mia up against this release? They're ass is getting fired, I can tell you that much.

Yeah, other than that, I'm at work right now. As in, gotta get back to it. (Booooo >.>)

July 17, 2008

Personal Anime Update

Finished Ergo Proxy. It was good. Solid. Well-done. Not mind blowing, but still food-for-thought. Major themes included Division of Self, Truth of Self, Truth vs. Reality, Ignorence vs. Bliss, What Makes Us Human. Beautifully animated but with a dull "realistic" color palatte.

These are just quick observations. More detailed review to come.

The female lead Re-l (pronounced "Real") was subtly done to great effect. Me likey.

More E3 Blarg

Forgot to mention that Final Fantasy XIII is being released on the XBox360 as well as the PS3. This was Square Enix's way of effectively killing any franchise-exclusive potential the PS3 ever had going for it. Namco-Bandai might release Tekken 6 exclusively to the platform, but that's really a drop in the bucket compared to what FFXIII guarantees number-wise. Hilariously, the XBox's core demographic (re: FPS, zero-depth, frat boys) would appreciate a regular fighting game more than the PS3's core demographic (re: nerdy otakus). Apparently the XBox is becoming the new PS2, really. As you can well imagine YouTube is being barraged by angry PS3 fanboys bitching about Square-Enix's fateful backstabbing. How dare they acknowledge the Xbox's sales figures and try and earn their international money back that way!? MADNESS, I TELL YOU!

Seriously though, the Xbox360 and their core demographic is changing. While it used to be just for Halotards, it has come a long way in terms of game releases for changing the demographic. The best games are now found on the console (unless you're a die-hard Nintendo latchkey kid and can't concieve of a universe outside of Hyrule or Mario's).

While the PS3 had been selling itself on future potential, it seems that the future is always at a distance for the platform. It never comes. They do have one feather in their cap, however, before I proclaim the almost-certain death of this platform. They have joined with FUNimation and Bones to release streaming video of completed anime instead of that retarded disc-by-disc nonsense we get in actual media stores. Imagine entire seasons at once downloaded directly to your television set. It's incredibly tempting, I give them that. And they're marketing it at the right people as those who own PS3s probably have a sizable anime collection as well.

The Xbox360 is still better, though. ^_^

Forgot to mention as well that Fallout3 has a choice between genders! You can play as a male or female in this dystopic future, blowing up psuedo-zombies and other mutated beings. Let's give a gigantic cheer for kickass female leads!

July 14, 2008

Random Stuff Update

Random thoughts and stuff include the following:

  • Started to watch a series called Ergo Proxy. It's cyber-punk and is a bit like Ghost in the Shell which is cool. It also asks a lot of the same questions as GitS but with somewhat less stylish ass-kicking and head-scratching philosophy. The tones are different, though. In Ergo Proxy people are stuck in a dystopic future and are run by a friendly totalitarian government with robots to replace computers and security cameras. Friend or foe is a question that is often brought to mind. The robots are becoming infected with the Cogito virus that makes them, well, human. Scary. There's more to it than that, but if it sounds good so far I wholeheartedly recommend you check it out.
  • E3 is releasing a bunch of new game trailers. Fallout 3 looks amazing. You can switch between a first person shooter, a third person shooter, or target specific areas on the body and have a dice roll to see if you can eliminate it in a flashy way. Heads explode! It honestly doesn't get any better.
  • Resident Evil 5 looks fantastic. The dialogue is just as silly as ever, but spoken very well. Yay for competent (if silly) dubs! Also, racism! Yay for Japan and racism!
  • Final Fantasy XIII looks an awful lot like Final Fantasy XII. Except the main character that looks like a girl really is a girl this time. I know, I'm shocked too. The story doesn't seem all that inspired, but there was no dialogue in the trailer (meaning it hasn't been dubbed yet). The graphics are beyond pretty, though. Hopefully the battle system is more interesting this time around. More KOTOResque?
  • I miss playing Knights of the Old Republic. Is the third one ever getting made? BioWare, give up the Sonic games and make the damn game already! I want my Exile back! (Revan too, but really...)
  • Anyone know Valve's progress on Half Life 2 Episode 3? Any trailers yet? Or mentions? I know that 4 Alive is almost done. It looks interesting, but to jaded misanthropes like myself it's not worth getting because I hate playing with others. Seriously, multiplayer has never, ever appealed to me. I play videogames to get away from "normal" freaks. This is why WoW would be my own personal hell.

Tony got the fourth season of the animated Batman series (when the Japanese studio took over). We've been watching it ever since. It's frickin' awesome. Gotham Knight feels like a natural step after watching season four.

July 13, 2008


There's another anime film I knew nothing about because I don't care for the series and therefore never bothered keeping up on any information pertaining to it. It seems that Hollywood has made a Dragonball movie. I'm pretty much flabbergasted. Of all the things they could invest time and money into they chose this uninspired piece of unending drivel...*sigh*

I pretty much refuse to give information on it.

Gotham Knight was fantastic, by the way. The best segment was Production I.G.'s Working Through the Pain. Also, bish Bruce Wayne is surreal and hilarious. More on this when I have the time to type it.

July 08, 2008

Almost forgot to mention...

...That Gotham Knight is now on shelves. Batmanimatrix for everyone! Seriously though, this looks to be something that will fill humanity with sublime light and cure cancer. Or more like scare the cancer out of you.

Anyway, you're officially a complete moron if you don't get it. Officially. There's a rubber stamp and everything.

Rumor Updates for Live Action Adaptations...

There are two anime-to-live-action adaptations that I know about: Otoumo's prolific Akira and the soul-sucking fiasco known as Neon Genesis Evangelion. Right now, some news on the two...

Akira has an attached director (I'm assuming he's doing both films--the manga is being split into two films) by the name of Ruairi Robinson. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his short animated film Fifty Percent Gray. Screenplay is written/adapted by Gary Whitta. Leonardi DiCaprio is producing this film (along with Andrew Lazar and Jennifer Davisson) as well as possibly starring. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is also rumored to star. The setting is in New New York (Neo-New York?) that has been rebuilt by Japanese money. I'm hoping the leads don't have name changes. Without all the "Kaneda!" "Testuooooooooo!" back and forth it'd be a very different film. As stated before, the film is broken into two films to adapt Katsuhiro Otoumo's manga in its entirety, something even the animated feature didn't achieve. Personally, I'd love if Gordon-Levitt were in it. He's a powerhouse in both Brick and The Lookout. Serious indie cred. If Christina Ricci could play the Kei part, I think I'd die happy. She already was in an anime adaptation! Or maybe I shouldn't mention that...They're eyeballing at a 2009 release for the first film.

Neon Genesis Evangelion, on the other hand, is perpetually stranded in development hell. I'm not sure if I'm elated or bummed about this. Since its announcement of inception in 2003 ADV bought the non-Asia/Australia rights to the property and has contacted Weta Digital for help. Weta went to town with concept art, and then it just kinda...stopped. Maybe because Hideaki Anno gave it his blessing. It did make him go for a six month stay in a mental facility, people. EVA just has that effect, I guess. Rumors of A-list stars and directors approaching ADV for the chance to be involved (my guess is that mega-fan Robin Williams is one of them, if there really are any), but ADV is adamant on making sure that the Eva pilots will be played by children. Issues of race are also a constant debate topic: make them Asian or Caucasian? Keep the names? Should sub and dub actors have cameos? Apparently there is a script by Matt Greenfield that can be tweaked to whatever mind-trip the chosen director decides to subject us on. And in keeping with Akira's status, the EVA project is going to be split into at least two movies. Supposedly. Everything's very fluid because, hey, development hell. No ball really rolling here.

Maybe ADV should concentrate on releasing anime to us at a faster rate. That might give them inspiration for the "Unnammed EVA Project".

July 07, 2008


Yay! Funimation has decided to pick up some of Geneon's titles. Geneon, as we all know, was an anime distributor that went under in the middle of giving us some great titles. That means Black Lagoon season two will be released. (Spoiler alert: season two may rock but definitely ends on a downer. So I don't really know if it's for better or for worse that it's being released. We'll go with better.)

One of my favorites that I've been looking forward to for forever is the release of Ouran High School Host Club. Now, I pretty much don't like shoujo manga or anime (it's way too silly, overdramatic, cutesy, and generally insulting) or anything done by CLAMP, but Ouran is a true stand out title. It's a reverse harem anime (bunch of boys, one girl, most/all boys are attracted to girl, girl doesn't seem to notice) that pokes fun at all shoujo genre cliches. Throw in the fact that it's animated by Studio Bones and some of the best seiyuus in the business and it's a gold-star series. And it has been shamelessly delayed once more. By the time this series comes out, it shouldn't be the usual disc-by-disc release. If it is, I'm marching to Funimation's HQ and staging a protest. A protest with rotten fruit.

Honestly, what is the idea with releasing anime volume by volume? Why not realease it season by season like a normal television show? At least then it'll be worth the money, and I won't have to wait x number of months in between to know what happens next to whatever characters I'm currently invested in. And once the entire series is actually printed on separate DVDs why does it take another year for it to come out in boxset form? What the hell is going on there!?

In other news...

  • Alone in the Dark's grasp apparently exceeded it's reach. Too bad. IGN didn't look too favorably on it. Silly French people. You can't make good games! Except for Rayman. And maybe Assasin's Creed. Maybe.
  • Soul Calibur IV is almost out. Unless they feel like cramming more useless/anachronistic Star Wars characters in it again.
  • Too Human still looks awesome. I can't wait!
  • There is officially no good new anime coming out. Nothing to look forward too. With Death Note ending on Cartoon Network this last Saturday the only shows worth noting on Adult Swim are The Venture Brothers and Robot Chicken.
  • The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya graphic novels are coming Stateside!
  • Victorian Romance Emma boxset will soon be available.
  • In case you've missed the commercial (which would be difficult because it's played every break on every channel) the release of Gotham Knight (or as I like to call it "The Batmanimatrix") is happening on Tuesday. If you liked The Animatrix you'll love this. Especially if you're a fan of the Batman animated series from 1992. Same voice cast! Mark Hamil as the Joker! What's not to love!? Bones, Madhouse, Production I.G. and other great anime studios animated the shorts, including the original studio that animated the 1992 series (as well as The Big O. Which is why Roger looked like Bruce Wayne...). *fangirl squeal*

When is season two of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya coming out!? It feels like it's taking forever....