Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

February 23, 2009

Evil of Evils...

Tony's XBox we don't know if he has to buy a new one yet or if the graphics chip can be fixed (that's what broke). He swore that one way or another he'd have an XBox by the time Resident Evil 5 comes out.

He's convinced this game will be as wonderful and grounbreaking as Resident Evil 4. It kinda looks the same to me with better graphics and the less-hot Chris Redfield. I like Leon better because then Ada tags along...Whatever. Maybe Jill Valentine will show up?

February 21, 2009

Games I Wish I'd Played Part 2

Hah! You thought I'd never get around to a part 2, didn't you? Yeah, me neither.

  • Shadow of the Colossus~I wish I got to play this one myself. Instead, I watched as my friend Seth went through and tried to help him solve the puzzles. Then we GameFAQsed it to find where all the upgrades were lurking. This is a beautiful game (for last gen) and truly original. Even if Argo the horse got on our nerves all the friggin' time because of the difficult controls...
  • Ico~ SotC's predecessor. Never seen it, want to play it. Got to see the opening cinematic and I read about it on Wikipedia. I borrowed this and SotC from Larry and then my PS2 bottomed out when I popped it in. *sigh* Still trying to fix it.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess~I don't own a Wii (or Gamecube, for that matter). Also, the last Zelda game I played was The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening which doesn't even feature the series' titular character. I watched Seth play a lot of this one, and even got to play sections of it myself. I just wish I got to play the whole thing. It was a lot of fun. Even if Link and Zelda will never, ever, ever, in a million years, ever kiss. Damn cock-blocking Nintendo...A kiss is still family-friendly! How blue are Link's balls by now? Seriously, man's made of iron or something...Or gay.
  • Theif~Yahtzee made it sound really fun. And stealth games can be neat.

That's about it for now. Gotta get to bed. Maybe part 3 will come in another few months.

February 20, 2009

More "Haruhi" to Worship

A new season for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is in production as we speak! Very exciting. It includes the story from the third light novel Bamboo Rhapsody where Kyon time travels to Haruhi's junior high years and helps her put the symbols on the quad. Other than that I don't know what it includes. The anime will air in August in Japan.

Very exciting!

February 18, 2009

Purity of Art

You might look at the post title and go: "Buh? The hell?", and I wouldn't blame you. It took me almost a year to understand this concept and I can't even remember the proper term for it. In fact, I had a 1/3 of a class on it and for the first time in my life I received less than a 'B' on something English/Humanities-related. But because this can apply to animation, I wanted to discuss it here.

I'll start by asking you the same question I asked myself after re-watching Wall-E for the fiftieth time: Which is superior: 3-D animation or 2-D animation?

Seriously now, don't blurt out an answer. Sit and think about it for a good solid minute, come up with reasons and arguments, and then keep reading this blog. Whatever you do, keep reading!

First, let me start off by saying this: Wall-E is a brilliant and heart-warming masterpiece. I utterly adore it to itsy-bitsy pieces. The fact that about 85% of the movie relies on pantomime to convey story is utterly fantastic and a concept that I adore and can babble endlessly on. It's my personal pick for Best Picture of 2008, maybe a tie with The Dark Knight.

That being said, it is (in my opinion) inferior to most 2-D animated features. Just as most 3-D features are. There are exceptions to this rule, and I'll go into detail later.

Two dimensional animation is superior because it is made directly from the artist/animator. Each cell of animation was hand-drawn from the animator. There was one person and one person only involved with that character on the page, and made them come to life by their own hand. Every expression, every movement, everything done with no interference from a machine, other animators, etc. All was created specifically by the animator themselves, and everything about the character on the page is inherent to the artist/animator's hand.

In computerized animation programs and just about any animator can manipulate a 3-dimensional model stored on the computer into doing whatever they want. Sure, only the best programmers and can get specific expressions, but with enough practice anyone can duplicate it. And therein lies what will always make 3-D animation inferior: the duplication. The mediums. A program made the art--not the human. A bunch of 1s and 0s created what the human hand didn't.

Think about the difference between a photograph and a painting. A painting is a purer form of art because it cannot be reproduced in exact detail, even with the same materials. Even the best copy-cat with the same type of materials, brushes, oils/paints, etc. cannot produce an exact copy because of the little things like paint clumping (for oil paints) or brush strokes, or even a hair of a paint brush being left behind on the canvas in the paint. A picture can be recreated in the same lighting and position easily, or at the very least you can take the original negative and create as many copies as you want. The machine created the art--not the photographer. In reproduction it loses its' purity.

The same with hand-drawn animation and computer animation. With the machine acting as the medium, the purity becomes lost and reproducible. Sure, it takes time and skill, but in the end you can create an exact copy of what was already made. With hand-drawn animation it take innate talent to be able to create recognizable characters on a page, much less copy the exact ones over and over ad infinitum. Could you copy Disney's Pocahontas cell by cell over and over again? Or Production I.G.'s Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade? I think not.

Look back on Toy Story now. At the time, it was a brilliant feat of animation. Now the textures look kinda silly and out-dated compared to what can be accomplished these days. Yet something like Beauty and the Beast is still incredibly impressive in terms of fluidity, motion, and character design, etc. Seriously.

If things like this interest you, I suggest taking a Humanities course or a Philosophy one. They think about this kind of stuff all the time. ^_^

February 09, 2009


Saw Coraline this last Sunday. It was utterly fantastic.

For those not in the know, Coraline is a stop-motion film by the director of The Nightmare Before Christmas based on Neil Gaimen's story of the same title. It's a tale full of "careful what you wish for because you might just get it!" that is beautifully told with lively characters in colorful settings. The titular character of Coraline is a treat in herself because she is a normal child with a growing imagination who is bored senseless after her parents move her to the middle-of-nowhere away from her friends. She explores their new home and finds a small, secret door that leads to an alternate dimension where people have buttons for eyes and everything seems built to make her happy. However something sinister lurks below the surface...

It's slightly creepy but full of amazing visuals and great characters. Perfect film to scare the crap out of your kids with. ^_^

February 02, 2009

Ouran 2nd Half

So, the second half of Ouran High School Host Club is out but good luck finding it in stores. I continually checked Best Buy for a week and a half after the release date and it still never showed up. Not even on their website. The first half is still there.

What did I do? I pouted and whined. Tony pointed out that the Internet is a viable source of legally purchasing anime, and I whined some more about how my complex won't allow me to accept packages anymore. Solution? Mail anime to his place. Yay! I got the second half on Hallelujah! For cheap(er) too!

Still fun menus and extras. And of course the anime itself. Heeeeeeee. Must loan it out to people who want to see (I'm a one-woman lending-library).

In video game news, absolutely nothing to look forward to is on the horizon. That was quick!

No movies, no video games, and no (really) new anime to look forward to right now. Bleak. Oh, almost forgot to mention that Bones' Darker Than Black is starting to come out on DVD, so keep a lookout for it. Box set won't appear for a while, though.