Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

November 10, 2010


Whoa, I haven't touched this in a while. Real life has sucked me dry on things to do in my free time. I hate pretending to be a responsible adult.

Good news: Dragon Age II is coming out soon. Bad news: it's not soon enough. Sometime in May.

Rockband 3 is now available along with the spiffy peripherals (keyboard, Pro Guitar, actual guitar, Pro Drums, etc) and currently screwing with my head. I can't wait for my friends and I to be done with the tour mode yet because being forced to play the "random" songs that keep popping up at the gig we're at is making my eye twitch out of my socket. I DON'T WANT TO SING SLIPKNOT. They suck. Harmonix is re-releasing previous songs with keyboard added to it--for money. Why would I want to pay again!? Thanks Harmonix, you just went from awesome to kinda retarded. If they had released twenty-to-thirty songs for free they'd have generated a ton of goodwill that they could've gotten away with murder next. Right now they just stand at "suck".

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow was good. Kind of a Prince of Persia 4 meets Devil May Cry love child but it worked its stuff well. Until that ending. I mean, it was a great ending but kind of WTF!?!

*sigh* I really want a game where the protagonist is female and a strong character and not just fanservice. Like a female version of the Prince from the Sands of Time trilogy. That'd be really fun and new. Down to earth, friendly, kind of a brat at times, but doing the best she can because she feels she ought to. Absolutely no one fits this description unless you count the female versions of the Bioware RPG heros. Frankly it's a little disturbing to think on that.

I'm tired and need sleep. Will try to update more thoroughly in the near future. And yes, I realize I never reviewed Scott Pilgrim vs. The World for you guys (it's on DVD this week). Sorry.


Alii Silverwing said...

It's frustrating to me that all the female heroines must be sexy or a romantic object instead of just being fun and saving the day.

You and me, we write one. Let's do this.

... got any ideas? XD

Jill said...

We can totally do this! And right now too tired to do an idea. But give me a day and I'll get back to you. XD