Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

August 27, 2008

Way to Go, Adult Swim

So, Cartoon Network's Adult Swim used to be the place to go for fabulous new anime in the States. It was a good way of previewing something (and its dub) to see if you liked it. They aired them at reasonable times and people like myself and my boyfriend and our friends could make a night of it.

It seems that has been kicked in the head nowadays. If Adult Swim gets new, interesting programming they always put it behind some Shounen Jump property at the latest possible hour. For instance, take their newest property that I was excited about seeing dubbed because the sub was a little hard for me to follow: Guardian of the Sacred Spirit. It's on Saturday nights at 1:30 E/P, 12:30 central. This isn't even techincally Saturday night anymore! WTF, Adult Swim!?

I have to wonder if they enjoy shooting themselves in the foot programming-wise and then complaining that no one watches it. Of course no one is watching--at that point in the night people are either getting laid, getting high, passed out in a drunken stupor, or asleep.

And then they show abominations like Family Guy every f&#%ing night for a full hour, if not more! GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

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