Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

September 04, 2008

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

So I got the game Prince of Persia: Sands of Time last night for less than eleven dollars at a GameStop. So far the game is actually really awesome. Even the graphics hold up really well, if just a smidge too geometric. The environmental textures are seriously well done, which is good because they have to be.

I've gotten pretty good at figuring out where to go next, but I still need work on the combat. Mainly, blocking. (I suck at defense, great at offense. No matter what I play. Soul Calibur, Kingdom Hearts, Okami, KOTOR, that's just how I roll.) And I love all the story-telling things. Especially when I die. "No, that's not how it happened. Shall I continue?" The Prince is a great character--humanly flawed but basically a good guy. Haven't gotten to the point where there's much interaction with Farah yet (I did just get the game and I kinda suck at it) but I'm really looking forward to it.

I still don't really know how to use the Dagger of Time well in combat. I'll figure it out.

In a random topic change: I seem to constantly give all my female Shepards in Mass Effect big noses. I think it makes them distinguished. Y'know, that aquiline nose. If she looks too much like a supermodel I have a hard time believing she'd choose a military career. Also it's impossible to make a good-looking male Shepard. It just is.

No good new anime to look forward too. Boo.

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