Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

February 02, 2009

Ouran 2nd Half

So, the second half of Ouran High School Host Club is out but good luck finding it in stores. I continually checked Best Buy for a week and a half after the release date and it still never showed up. Not even on their website. The first half is still there.

What did I do? I pouted and whined. Tony pointed out that the Internet is a viable source of legally purchasing anime, and I whined some more about how my complex won't allow me to accept packages anymore. Solution? Mail anime to his place. Yay! I got the second half on Hallelujah! For cheap(er) too!

Still fun menus and extras. And of course the anime itself. Heeeeeeee. Must loan it out to people who want to see (I'm a one-woman lending-library).

In video game news, absolutely nothing to look forward to is on the horizon. That was quick!

No movies, no video games, and no (really) new anime to look forward to right now. Bleak. Oh, almost forgot to mention that Bones' Darker Than Black is starting to come out on DVD, so keep a lookout for it. Box set won't appear for a while, though.


Anonymous said...

Butbut, Coraline! Watchmen! I guess resident evil 5 counts >.>. And, um, yeah, there really isn't that much coming out.

I have been playing a ton of Mount and Blade, though. It kinda counts 'cause it's an indie title that nobody heard of until Steam put it on sale. It is/was $7 and well worth it.

One thing is that you are given no direction whatsoever. I started over 4 times since I found important stuff out after it was too late to go back. It's kind of an FPS RTS RPG that does pretty well. It's also fully modable so you can change some gameplay elements if they annoy you.

If you like the idea of wading into midevial combat with 100+ mens you should try it out.

I used to get all kinds of anime online. I would shop for the best deal and sometimes get weird bootleg copies, though. Amazon is a safe bet if you stay away from the used/marketplace vendors.

I hope you've been doing well.

Jill said...

Right, I forgot about Coraline. Definitely first in line to watch that on Friday. ^_^ I'm less excited for the Watchmen because every other Alan Moore title got butt-f*cked except for "V for Vendetta".

Mount and Blade? I'm not a huge fan of strategy-esque games, or even FPSs at times. And I still don't know how to mod. *blush*

I'm doing fairly well. I'll update my LJ soon. How're you?