Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
As told by shoujo artists.

July 27, 2011


I'm the living undead now, returned to the world as a nerdy zombie. Only explanation I have for neglecting this blog for so friggin' long. For reals.

Watching Comic Con footage of The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra and it's moved me so much I had to post for the first time in forever:

Korra and her mantourage look awesome. I'm having fangirl squealing moments that make me extremely ashamed of myself because I was beginning to think I had finally grown up and reached my mature phase.

Cannot begin to describe how pumped I am for the show...nor how much artwork I've collected over the past year.

Also excited for Mass Effect 3 as it looks amazing. We might also get a FemShep trailer! How cool would that be!?

And everyone is drooling over the steampunk wonder that is Bioshock: Infinite. If only I could play FPS without motion sickness. Or stop jumping everytime someone fires at me. This one will be relegated to me watching Tony as I just can't do FPS. Still looks amazing and thematic and everything we've come to expect from these developers.

Batman Arkham City is also a big fangirl moment for me. When I saw the Catwoman stuff I was very excited, but then a little sad. Her lines seem very cheesey. I'd hoped we'd moved on from Selena making all the cat references and just have her be a real person like Bruce. He doesn't make goofy bat references at all.

Still, most excited about Korra. It's been a long time since I've been looking forward to American animation like this.


Alii Silverwing said...

Stupid spammers. *shakesfist at above comment* How on earth do they find blogs. Gracious.

Anyways. I say BAH! to this whole 'maturity' thing. Yay for all the new shows. :3

Oh oh - if you're going top lay computer games, I highly highly recommend Gray Matter. :)

Jill said...

What's Gray Matter about? And yes, I'd *love* a new game by now. Replaying Mass Effect 2 for the billionth time because I can no longer find my Dragon Age 2 disc and I replayed Portal 2 six times.

Alii Silverwing said...

Gray matter is, let's see, about an ambitious young magician trying to become part of the great game and an off-his-rocker scientist trying to meddle with the great psychic unknown. It is, so far, wonderful. And creepy and awesome.

I also recommend all the Monkey Island games (Pirates!), and I know that Gen highly recommends the Gabriel Knight games.

I just started Dragon Age 1. I'm not sure what I think quite yet.

Oh, oh, also~ - Good Old Games (, I believe?) has a treasure trove of stuff. Zork Grand Inquisition! :D